Former Major Leaguer Family Benefit from Weight Loss Surgery

September 18, 2020

bariatric testimonial antonio

These days, when former MLB pitcher Antonio Alfonseca reaches into his closet, it may be for clothes he hasn’t worn in years.

“All my clothes from my baseball days, they fit me now,” he says.

After bariatric surgery with the Memorial Weight-Loss Surgery Program, he’s now well below his playing weight.

“I had injuries to my knees and back. I couldn’t play anymore,” he said.

“Before my surgery, I weighed 320 pounds and had high blood pressure,” he added. “Now I weigh 235, my blood pressure is normal and I can do anything I want.”

That includes cooking healthy food and leading the pitcher development program at Florida Memorial University.

His procedure, performed by Joseph Melendez-Davidson, MD, was sleeve gastrectomy or gastric sleeve surgery. Along with diet and lifestyle changes, it’s part of a transformative strategy for a healthier life.

After seeing how this surgery had helped his son, he wanted the same for himself.

Everybody at Memorial was great — Dr. Melendez-Davidson, Sunny my dietician,” he stated. “I would recommend them to anyone. In fact, I recommended them to my wife, and she’s starting the process.
